Contattaci: +39 02 55186649


Why this website

The project on education and financial planning is a topic followed by Audit in Italy since the beginning: first taking part in UNI committees and groups pre-normative,then collaborating with some certification bodies for defining quality schemes  and with certain public entities for the definition of models to real guarantees for citizens.  

Audit in Italy provides three different services:

  1. Support to the activities of the personnel certification and certification of skills
  2. Audititing Activities for certification of networks
  3. Specialized training activities

 About us

Audit in Italy provides innovative services for the compliance of organizations, acting as certification broker, training center and a qualified provider of services for risk management. 

More in detail:

  • Certification Broker : side by side with company to chose the best service
  • Training Center: all courses required for every kind of audit and "compliance" about legislation
  • Risk Management with particular reference to the Legislative Decree 231 of 2001 and Law 190/2012

Some other information about Audit in Italy

The project started in 2004 as a team of auditors that defined new rules of relations with the organizations and new business models oriented to risk management; it has developed since 2007 for independent activities as broker and training center; but it is in 2010 that the first innovative services and most of the collaborations with the main institutions have begun. In 2014 it started the management of specialized projects such as planning and financial education.

For further information or to request a quote, please send us an e-mail to the following address:

Download and consult the brochure of Audit in Italy, even in English! And do not forget to visit our website ( and to subscribe to our newsletter!

Audit in Italy applies a Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 for the services of Training, Outsourcing technical services for inspection and certification bodies and for services related to the decree n. 231 of 2001, in order to ensure the highest quality and transparency. The chosen partner for our certification is CERSA, an important and qualified certification body accredited Accredia.


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